2 KHAS Members in the List of Most Influential Scientist Worldwide

4 September 2020

Prof. Dr. Yücel Yılmaz and Prof. Dr. Önder Pekcan were named in the list of most influential scientists worldwide, prepared by a team including researchers from the US and Netherlands.

2 scientists from Kadir Has University were named in the list of most influential scientists, prepared for 22 departments and 176 sub-departments through use of composite indicator scientific impact index comprising variables such as number of scientific articles, number of references, author rank by a team including researchers from the US and Netherlands.

Including Kadir Has University Board of Trustees’ member and former rector Prof. Dr. Yücel Yılmaz in the field of Earth and Environmental Sciences and Bioinformatics and Genetics Department Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Önder Pekcan in the field of Chemistry, the list was generated through evaluation of performance of about 7 million scientists from 22 departments and a total of 196 scientists from Turkey were named among 100,000 people in the top ranks.

In the list published in the scientific magazine named Plos Biology, the highest number of scientists from Turkey (37 persons) is in the field of chemistry and the second highest number of scientists from Turkey (30 persons) is in the field of clinical medicine. Enabling and Strategical Technologies and Engineering were both in the third rank via 28 scientists. The remaining ranks are as follows: 20 in Physics and Astronomy, 17 in Communication and Information Technologies, 10 in Agriculture, Fishery and Forestry, 8 in Earth and Environmental Sciences, 5 in Biomedical Research, 4 in Mathematics and Statistics, 3 in Economy and Business, 2 in Building and Design, 2 in Biology, 1 in Psychology and Cognitive Sciences, 1 in Social Sciences. You can access the public database, which includes about 100,000 senior scientists, and the list at “https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/1/files/51ba39a5-4de9-4c79-b180-f0ca4d5747ed”.

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